



SQL Server 2017 e 2016

Qualifica istruttore:

Microsoft Certified Trainer
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Dedicato a:

Professionista IT





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Sede: PCSNET Roma
Prezzo: 1.760 € + IVA
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19 dic 25
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Sede: PCSNET Milano
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Sede: PCSNET Torino
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Sede: PCSNET Emilia Romagna
Prezzo: 1.760 € + IVA
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Sede: PCSNET Marche
Prezzo: 1.760 € + IVA
05 mag 25
09 mag 25
1.760 €
28 lug 25
01 ago 25
1.760 €
15 dic 25
19 dic 25
1.760 €
Sede: PCSNET Napoli
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Sede: PCSNET Sicilia
Prezzo: 1.760 € + IVA
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Descrivere gli elementi chiave di una soluzione di data warehousing

Descrivere le principali considerazioni di hardware per la costruzione di un data warehouse

Implementare un disegno logico per un data warehouse

Implementare una progettazione fisica di un data warehouse

Creare indici columnstore

Implementare un data warehouse Azure SQL

Descrivere le caratteristiche principali di SSIS

Implementare un flusso di dati utilizzando SSIS

Implementare flusso di controllo, utilizzando i compiti e vincoli di precedenza

Creare pacchetti dinamici che includono variabili e parametri

Pacchetti di debug SSIS

Descrivere le considerazioni per implementare una soluzione ETL

Implementare Data Services di qualità

Implementare un modello di Master Data Services

Descrivere come è possibile utilizzare componenti personalizzati per estendere SSIS

Distribuire progetti SSIS

Descrivere la BI e gli scenari comuni di BI



Almeno 2 anni di esperienza di lavoro con i database relazionali, ad esempio:Progettazione di un database normalizzato.Creazione di tabelle e relazioni.Interrogazione con Transact-SQL.

Esposizione ai costrutti di programmazione di base (ad esempio, looping e branching).

E' auspicabile la consapevolezza delle priorità di business chiave come entrate, redditività e contabilità finanziaria. 


Module 1: Introduction to Data Warehousing

Overview of Data Warehousing

Considerations for a Data Warehouse Solution


Lab : Exploring a Data Warehouse Solution

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe the key elements of a data warehousing solution

Describe the key considerations for a data warehousing solution


Module 2: Planning Data Warehouse Infrastructure

Considerations for Building a Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse Reference Architectures and Appliances


Lab : Planning Data Warehouse Infrastructure

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe the main hardware considerations for building a data warehouse

Explain how to use reference architectures and data warehouse appliances to create a data warehouse


Module 3: Designing and Implementing a Data Warehouse

Logical Design for a Data Warehouse

Physical Design for a Data Warehouse


Lab : Implementing a Data Warehouse Schema

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Implement a logical design for a data warehouse

Implement a physical design for a data warehouse


Module 4: Columnstore Indexes

Introduction to Columnstore Indexes

Creating Columnstore Indexes

Working with Columnstore Indexes


Lab : Using Columnstore Indexes

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create Columnstore indexes

Work with Columnstore Indexes


Module 5: Implementing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Advantages of Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Implementing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Developing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Migrating to an Azure SQ Data Warehouse


Lab : Implementing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe the advantages of Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Implement an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Describe the considerations for developing an Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Plan for migrating to Azure SQL Data Warehouse


Module 6: Creating an ETL Solution

Introduction to ETL with SSIS

Exploring Source Data

Implementing Data Flow


Lab : Implementing Data Flow in an SSIS Package

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe ETL with SSIS

Explore Source Data

Implement a Data Flow


Module 7: Implementing Control Flow in an SSIS Package

Introduction to Control Flow

Creating Dynamic Packages

Using Containers


Lab : Implementing Control Flow in an SSIS Package


Lab : Using Transactions and Checkpoints

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe control flow

Create dynamic packages

Use containers


Module 8: Debugging and Troubleshooting SSIS Packages

Debugging an SSIS Package

Logging SSIS Package Events

Handling Errors in an SSIS Package


Lab : Debugging and Troubleshooting an SSIS Package

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Debug an SSIS package

Log SSIS package events

Handle errors in an SSIS package


Module 9: Implementing an Incremental ETL Process

Introduction to Incremental ETL

Extracting Modified Data

Temporal Tables


Lab : Extracting Modified Data


Lab : Loading Incremental Changes

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe incremental ETL

Extract modified data

Describe temporal tables


Module 10: Enforcing Data Quality

Introduction to Data Quality

Using Data Quality Services to Cleanse Data

Using Data Quality Services to Match Data


Lab : Cleansing Data


Lab : De-duplicating Data

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe data quality services

Cleanse data using data quality services

Match data using data quality services

De-duplicate data using data quality services


Module 11: Using Master Data Services

Master Data Services Concepts

Implementing a Master Data Services Model

Managing Master Data

Creating a Master Data Hub


Lab : Implementing Master Data Services

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe the key concepts of master data services

Implement a master data service model

Manage master data

Create a master data hub


Module 12: Extending SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

Using Custom Components in SSIS

Using Scripting in SSIS


Lab : Using Scripts and Custom Components

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Use custom components in SSIS

Use scripting in SSIS


Module 13: Deploying and Configuring SSIS Packages

Overview of SSIS Deployment

Deploying SSIS Projects

Planning SSIS Package Execution


Lab : Deploying and Configuring SSIS Packages

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe an SSIS deployment

Deploy an SSIS package

Plan SSIS package execution


Module 14: Consuming Data in a Data Warehouse

Introduction to Business Intelligence

Introduction to Reporting

An Introduction to Data Analysis

Analyzing Data with Azure SQL Data Warehouse


Lab : Using Business Intelligence Tools

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Describe at a high level business intelligence

Show an understanding of reporting

Show an understanding of data analysis

Analyze data with Azure SQL data warehouse


  • Materiale didattico: Materiale didattico in formato digitale
  • Costo materiale didattico: incluso nel prezzo del corso a Calendario
  • Natura del corso: Operativo (previsti lab su PC)