1 - Introduction to Web Applications
- Objectives 1-2
- Introduction to Web Application 1-3
- HTTP Requests Methods 1-5
- HTTP GET and HEAD Methods 1-7
- HTTP POST Method 1-8
- HTTP PUT and PATCH Methods 1-9
- HTTP DELETE Method 1-10
- HTTP Responses and Status Codes 1-11
- HTML Document Object Model (DOM) 1-12
- HTML Document Page Layout 1-14
- HTML Tables 1-15
- HTML Lists 1-16
- Add Style to HTML Elements 1-17
- Add JavaScript to HTML Document 1-19
- Associating Style Sheet with HTML Document 1-20
- Associating JavaScript with HTML Document Page 1-21
- HTML Forms 1-22
- Implementing Navigation in an HTML Document 1-23
- Summary 1-24
- Practice Overview 1-25
2 - Introduction to JavaScript
- Objectives 2-2
- Agenda 2-3
- Introduction to JavaScript 2-4
- JavaScript Origins 2-6
- JavaScript Clones and Standards 2-7
- JavaScript Standards Split 2-8
- JavaScript Variants Proliferation 2-9
- JavaScript New Engine and Server-Side Expansion 2-10
- JavaScript Modern Evolution 2-11
- Agenda 2-12
- JavaScript Syntax 2-13
- JavaScript Variables 2-14
- JavaScript Data Types 2-15
- JavaScript Types Coercion 2-18
- Explicit Value Conversions 2-19
- JavaScript Objects and Functions 2-20
- Agenda 2-21
- JavaScript Operators 2-22
- Manipulate Numeric Values Using Arithmetic Operators 2-23
- Extract Portions of Text from a String 2-24
- Concatenate Strings 2-25
- Manipulate Text Values 2-26
- Compare Values 2-27
- Manipulate Date Values 2-28
- Agenda 2-29
- Manipulate Arrays 2-30
- Complex Arrays and Collections 2-31
- Array Object 2-32
- Agenda 2-34
- Implement Flow Control with if /else 2-35
- Ternary Operations 2-37
- Implement Flow Control with Switch 2-38
- Implement Iterations with Loops 2-39
- For Loop Variants 2-40
- Advanced Loops 2-41
- Summary 2-42
- Practice Overview 2-43
3 - Functions, Classes, and Objects
- Objectives 3-2
- Classification of Functions, Classes, and Objects 3-3
- Define and Invoke a Function 3-4
- Arrow Functions 3-5
- Global Object 3-6
- this keyword 3-7
- Define and Access an Object 3-8
- Converting Objects to String 3-9
- Define and Use Accessors 3-10
- Define and Instantiate a Class 3-11
- Constructor Functions 3-12
- Define “Private" Properties 3-13
- Define and Access Static Context 3-14
- Dynamically Alter an Object 3-15
- Interrogate Object and Its Properties 3-16
- Retrieve and Populate Object Properties 3-17
- Summary 3-18
- Practice Overview 3-19
4 - Extending Classes and Objects
- Objectives 4-2
- JavaScript Extensibility Mechanisms 4-3
- What Is a Prototype? 4-4
- Create Objects Based on a Specific Prototype 4-5
- Function Object 4-6
- Extending an Object vs Extending a Prototype 4-7
- Implement Inheritance with Prototypes 4-8
- Implement Inheritance with Classes 4-9
- Spreading Arrays and Objects 4-10
- Summary 4-11
- Practice Overview 4-12
5 - JavaScript in a Web Browser Environment
- Objectives 5-2
- Retrieve DOM Elements 5-3
- Traverse Document Nodes 5-5
- Interact with Elements and their Attributes 5-6
- Interact with Selected Lists 5-7
- Interact with Check Boxes 5-8
- Interact with Radio Buttons 5-9
- Event Handling Overview 5-10
- Events and Listeners 5-11
- Dispatching Events 5-12
- Subscribing to Events 5-13
- Prevent Default Action 5-15
- React to User Input 5-16
- Validate User Input 5-17
- Assist User Input with Value Selectors 5-18
- Display and Input a Value within a Range 5-19
- Produce Image Map 5-20
- Other Input Types 5-21
- Button, Image, and Form Actions 5-22
- Write to HTML Document 5-23
- Add, Remove, and Modify HTML Document Content 5-24
- Summary 5-25
- Practice Overview 5-26
6 - Cascading Style Sheets
- Objectives 6-2
- Defining Styles 6-3
- Element Selectors 6-4
- Attribute Selectors 6-5
- Use Pseudo-Class and Pseudo-Element Selectors 6-6
- Selecting Elements Based on Their State 6-7
- Selecting Elements Based on Their Properties 6-8
- Selecting Child Elements within a Parent 6-9
- Other Selectors 6-10
- Visual Properties 6-11
- Setting Sizes 6-12
- Setting Colors 6-13
- Selecting Fonts 6-14
- Positioning, Sizing and Orientation using Box Model 6-15
- Box Model Example 6-16
- Component Orientation 6-17
- Handling Overflow 6-18
- Control Display Layout 6-19
- Grid Display 6-20
- Flex Flow and Alignments 6-21
- Flex Display 6-22
- Altering Styles Based on Required Media 6-23
- Media Queries 6-24
- Dynamic Style Changes 6-25
- Summary 6-26
Practice Overview 6-27
7 - Advanced JavaScript
- Objectives 7-2
- Exception Handling 7-3
- Producing Exceptions 7-4
- Handling Exceptions 7-5
- Timeouts and Intervals 7-6
- Promises 7-7
- Execute an Array of Promises 7-8
- Async/Await 7-9
- Pass Functions as Arguments and Return Functions 7-10
- Modules 7-11
- Export Components 7-12
- Import Components 7-13
- Access Modules from HTML Document 7-14
- JavaScript Memory Organization and Code Execution 7-15
- JavaScript Concurrency Limitations 7-16
- Execute Concurrent Code with Workers 7-17
- Worker Life Cycle 7-18
- Worker Message Exchanges 7-19
- Summary 7-21
- Practice Overview 7-22
8 - Exchanging Data with Servers
- Objectives 8-2
- What is JSON? 8-3
- REST Service Conventions and Resources 8-4
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) 8-5
- Dispatch Service Request Using AJAX 8-6
- Handle Service Response Using AJAX 8-7
- Dispatch Service Requests Using Modern JavaScript 8-8
- Handle Service Response Using Modern JavaScript 8-9
- Introduction to WebSockets 8-10
- WebSocket Life Cycle 8-11
- Send and Receive Messages Via the WebSocket 8-12
- Stateless Versus Stateful 8-13
- Manage Application State 8-14
- Retain State Using Parameters or Headers 8-15
- HTTP Cookies 8-16
- Set and Get HTTP Cookies in JavaScript 8-17
- Local and Session Web Storage 8-18
- Summary 8-19
- Practice 8 8-20
9 - JavaScript Variants, APIs, Frameworks, and the Cloud Environment
- Objectives 9-2
- Agenda 9-3
- JavaScript Variants and Alternatives 9-4
- TypeScript Type Enforcement 9-5
- TypeScript Extra Types 9-6
- TypeScript Enumerations 9-7
- … And Many More TypeScript Features 9-8
- Agenda 9-9
- JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks 9-10
- Manage Library References 9-12
- Use jQuery Selectors and Functions 9-13
- Use jQueryUI Widgets 9-14
- Agenda 9-15
- Implement Server-Side JavaScript with Node.js 9-16
- Manage Node.js Projects 9-17
- Agenda 9-18
- JavaScript and Oracle Cloud Application Development 9-19
- Single-Page Application Design 9-20
- Visual Builder Studio Project Management 9-21
- Visual Builder Application Runtime 9-22
- Summary 9-23