Development for enterprise DevOps
- Introduction to DevOps
- Plan Agile with GitHub Projects and Azure Boards
- Design and implement branch strategies and workflows
- Collaborate with pull requests in Azure Repos
- Explore Git hooks
- Plan foster inner source
- Manage and configure repositories
- Identify technical debt
Implement CI with Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions
- Explore Azure Pipelines
- Manage Azure Pipeline agents and pools
- Describe pipelines and concurrency
- Design and implement a pipeline strategy
- Integrate with Azure Pipelines
- Introduction to GitHub Actions
- Learn continuous integration with GitHub Actions
- Design a container build strategy
Design and implement a release strategy
- Create a release pipeline
- Explore release recommendations
- Provision and test environments
- Manage and modularize tasks and templates
- Automate inspection of health
Implement a secure continuous deployment using Azure Pipelines
- Introduction to deployment patterns
- Implement blue-green deployment and feature toggles
- Implement canary releases and dark launching
- Implement A/B testing and progressive exposure deployment
- Integrate with identity management systems
- Manage application configuration data
Manage infrastructure as code using Azure and DSC
- Explore infrastructure as code and configuration management
- Create Azure resources using Azure Resource Manager templates
- Create Azure resources by using Azure CLI
- Explore Azure Automation with DevOps
- Implement Desired State Configuration (DSC)
- Implement Bicep
Implement security and validate code bases for compliance
- Introduction to Secure DevOps
- Implement open-source software
- Software Composition Analysis
- Security Monitoring and Governance
Design and implement a dependency management strategy
- Explore package dependencies
- Understand package management
- Migrate consolidating and secure artifacts
- Implement a versioning strategy
- Introduction to GitHub Packages
Implement continuous feedback
- Implement tools to track usage and flow
- Develop monitor and status dashboards
- Share knowledge within teams
- Design processes to automate application analytics
- Manage alerts, blameless retrospectives and a just culture