1: Introduction to Java
- Introduction to Java, Part 1
- Introduction to Java, Part 2
- Introduction to Java, Part 3
- Practice 1-1: Verify the JDK Installation
- Practice 1-2: Create, Compile, and Execute a Java Application
2: Primitive Types, Operators, and Flow Control Statements
- Primitive Types, Operators, and Flow Control Statements, Part 1
- Primitive Types, Operators, and Flow Control Statements, Part 2
- Primitive Types, Operators, and Flow Control Statements, Part 3
- Practice 2-1: Manipulate with Primitive Types
- Practice 2-2: Use the if/else and switch Constructs and a Ternary Operator
3: Text, Date, Time, and Numeric Objects
- Text, Date, Time, and Numeric Objects, Part 1
- Text, Date, Time, and Numeric Objects, Part 2
- Text, Date, Time, and Numeric Objects, Part 3
- Practice 3-1: Explore String and StringBuilder Objects
- Practice 3-2: Use BigDecimal Class and Format Numeric Values
- Practice 3-3: Use and Format Date and Time Value
- Practice 3-4: Apply Localization and Format Messages
4: Classes and Objects
- Classes and Objects, Part 1
- Classes and Objects, Part 2
- Classes and Objects, Part 3
- Practice 4-1: Create the Product Management Application
- Practice 4-2: Enhance the Product Class
- Practice 4-3: Document Classes
5: Improved Class Design
- Improved Class Design, Part 1
- Improved Class Design, Part 2
- Improved Class Design, Part 3
- Practice 5-1: Create Enumeration to Represent Product Rating
- Practice 5-2: Add Custom Constructors to the Product Class
- Practice 5-3: Make Product Objects Immutable
6: Inheritance
- Inheritance, Part 1
- Inheritance, Part 2
- Inheritance, Part 3
- Inheritance, Part 4
- Practice 6-1: Create Food and Drink Classes That Extend Product
- Practice 6-2: Override Methods and Use Polymorphism…Part 1
- Practice 6-2: Override Methods and Use Polymorphism…Part 2
- Practice 6-2: Override Methods and Use Polymorphism…Part 3
- Practice 6-3: Create Factory Methods
7: Interfaces
- Interfaces, Part 1
- Interfaces, Part 2
- Interfaces, Part 3
- Practice 7-1: Design the Rateable Interface
- Practice 7-2: Enable Products Review and Rating
- Practice 7-3: Test the Product Review Functionality
8: Arrays and Loops
- Arrays and Loops, Part 1
- Arrays and Loops, Part 2
- Practice 8-1: Allow Multiple Reviews for a Product
9: Collections
- Collections, Part 1
- Collections, Part 2
- Collections, Part 3
- Practice 9-1: Organize Products and Reviews into a HashMap
- Practice 9-2: Implement Review Sort and Product Search Features
10: Nested Classes and Lambda Expressions
- Nested Classes and Lambda Expressions, Part 1
- Nested Classes and Lambda Expressions, Part 2
- Practice 10-1: Refactor ProductManger to use a Nested Class
- Practice 10-2: Produce Customized Product Reports
11: Java Streams API
- Java Streams API, Part 1
- Java Streams API, Part 2
- Java Streams API, Part 3
- Practice 11-1: Modify ProductManager to Use Streams
- Practice 11-2: Add Discount Per Rating Calculation
12: Handle Exceptions and Fix Bugs
- Handle Exceptions and Fix Bugs, Part 1
- Handle Exceptions and Fix Bugs, Part 2
- Handle Exceptions and Fix Bugs, Part 3
- Practice 12-1: Use Exception Handling to Fix Logical Errors…Part1
- Practice 12-1: Use Exception Handling to Fix Logical Errors…Part2
- Practice 12-2: Add Text Parsing Operations…Part 1
- Practice 12-2: Add Text Parsing Operations…Part 2
13: Java IO API
- Java IO API, Part 1
- Java IO API, Part 2
- Java IO API, Part 3
- Java IO API, Part 4
- Practice 13-1: Print Product Report to a File
- Practice 13-2: Bulk-Load Data from Files…Part 1
- Practice 13-2: Bulk-Load Data from Files…Part 2
- Practice 13-3: Implement Memory Swap Mechanism
14: Java Concurrency and Multithreading
- Java Concurrency and Multithreading, Part 1
- Java Concurrency and Multithreading, Part 2
- Java Concurrency and Multithreading, Part 3
- Java Concurrency and Multithreading, Part 4
- Practice 14-1: Redesign ProductManager as a Singleton
- Practice 14-2: Ensure ProductManager Memory Safety
- Practice 14-3: Simulate Concurrent Callers…Part 1
- Practice 14-3: Simulate Concurrent Callers…Part 2
15: Open Module Content
- Open Module Content, Part 1
- Open Module Content, Part 2
- Open Module Content, Part 3
- Practice 15-1: Convert ProductManagement Application into a Module
- Practice 15-2: Separate Application into Several Modules
16: Annotations
- Annotations, Part 1
- Annotations, Part 2
17: Java Database Connectivity
- Java Database Connectivity, Part 1
- Java Database Connectivity, Part 2
18: Java Security
- Java Security, Part 1
- Java Security, Part 2
19: Advanced Generics
- Advanced Generics, Part 1
- Advanced Generics, Part 2
20: Oracle Cloud Deployment
- Oracle Cloud Deployment, Part 1
- Oracle Cloud Deployment, Part 2
- Oracle Cloud Deployment, Part 3
- Oracle Cloud Deployment, Part 4