1 Course Introduction
- Introductions and course logistics
- Course objectives
2 Introduction to VMware Aria Operations for Logs
- Describe the cloud management platform
- Describe the VMware Aria™ use cases
- Describe the key capabilities of VMware Aria Operations for Logs
- Explain the importance of efficient log management
- Navigate the VMware Aria Operations for Logs UI
- Describe the various stages of log processing
3 VMware Aria Operations for Logs Architecture and Deployment
- Identify the minimum requirements for deploying VMware Aria Operations for Logs
- Explain how to use the VMware Aria Operations for Logs sizing calculator
- Describe VMware Aria Operations for Logs compatibility with other VMware products
- Describe the VMware Aria Operations for Logs architecture
- Explain how to install the VMware Aria Operations for Logs virtual appliance
4 Analyzing Logs
- Describe the primary functions of the VMware Aria Operations for Logs UI
- Describe log events
- Use Explore Logs to understand the log data
- Create and manage queries
- Extract fields in VMware Aria Operations for Logs
5 Using Dashboards, Alerts, and Reports
- Explain how to create custom dashboards
- Describe how to use the VMware Aria Operations for Logs widgets
- Create alerts
- Explain how to view and manage reports
6 Administering VMware Aria Operations for Logs
- Describe user access control in VMware Aria Operations for Logs
- Describe user management
- Define roles and permissions
- Configure VMware Aria Operations for Logs settings
7 Managing Content Packs, Certificates, and Agents
- Install and manage content packs
- Manage certificates
- Install and manage agents for VMware Aria Operations for Logs
- Describe the VMware Aria Operations for Logs Importer
8 VMware Aria Operations for Logs Integrations
- Describe how to integrate VMware Operations for Logs with VMware Aria Operations
- Discuss the advantages of integration
- Discuss the vSAN and NSX content pack